
Welcome to the train wreck. I am atrain. This is a collection of original fiction that I have written. Feel free to browse at your leisure. I have written several short fiction pieces as sort of proof of concepts that may or may not become full works. I have also written a handful of novels, all located below.

A lot of these fall under a category of experimentation, ideas formed and marinated, but not really fully complete. Some weird fever dreams manifested and probably not the most coherent thing on the planet. That is the entire point of this project. As of the time I am writing this, there are no concrete plans to publish anything on here, whether self, or the full blown thing. This is a project I am undertaking to see where it goes. If I end up lucking my way into fame and fortune and a big fancy list that says I’m a good writer, that would be terrific. If, much more probably, I never go beyond a follower count that breaks the double digits, I am absolutely fine with this. This is a train wreck. I don’t know what’s going to happen and where all the pieces are going to fall. I’m just the one who derailed the thing in the first place.

My collection of short fiction.

Spanning more or less everything I can think of.

Windfall (novel)

A man’s rise, fall and eventual crash as he goes through fame and its consequences.

Bleeding Hearts (novel)

A woman’s revenge against the world that took her home and wanted to take her soul.

The Last Star I See Tonight (novel)

A young witch’s journey through retail, corporate and dealing with her past.

Dead Man’s Tale (novel)

A young fisherman’s home falls to plague and he leaves to seek a cure.

Lily of the Valley (serial, complete)

A woman wanders the world to find her way home.

Reach for the Sky (episodic, part 1 complete)

A bounty hunter bounces from job to job between the stars


A collection of personal writings and blog posts.

All Writing Copyright of ATrain