Give Up The Ghost

“Did you post the vlog today, Reggie?” said Greg. He turned the wheel a bit. A raccoon, or a possum, or something small and furry and dead was on the road. He didn’t want to hit it and make it any worse. The poor thing was already gone. Best not to make it any worse. […]

Tea Time

(This is a continuation of Lady of the Night) It’s cold. I do not like the cold, but it is there and there is nothing I can do about that. I could have worn another layer, says the hindsight in the back of my mind. The coat should have been enough says another part. It is […]

The Tower Inverted

The liquid bubbles and swirls and sloshes with sunshine frozen into scintillation motion. It should not scintillate. It should twinkle. Or iridesce. Maybe even sparkle. Not scintillate. But that’s what it does and that means I have to start over. I want to smash it. I don’t. The flask is expensive and the Good Witch […]

Flow State

“You need to stop doing that, Mac,” says Dr. Sauvagess. “Doing what?” I say. “That thing with your piercings. Every time I look back, they’re in a different place.” “They like to move. I can’t help that.” “Yes, you can.” I shrug and tumble the bit of metal on my tongue before letting it slide […]

Reflex Action

The flow, the flow is coursing through the pavement. It’s under the streets, in the cracks of the walks, settled in the high voltage wire. And it all comes to me. It all comes through me. It comes in the steady unyielding stream of high pressure. Noise and cacophony, never ending ceaseless discharge of what […]

Seeing Red

“Welcome to the festivities. You have either been selected or volunteered for such an opportunity. Feel free to be excited. I would be, if I were in your shoes.” Vince wasn’t excited and he did not feel the affected enthusiasm infect his demeanor at all. He had his eyes closed and saw no real reason […]

Hybrid Rainbow

The sun crested the hills and the grass turned to a golden thread sea to the horizon and back. It was warm. The sunlight was warm. The grass was cold for the moment. In time it will warm as well, take the sun and all that it gives, the starlight from the center of all […]

Looking at the Wall as I Reach for the Sky

So, Reach for the Sky is done, and a personal project of mine as well. Are they good? I can answer with a confident ‘eh.’ And that’s about the most intense emotion I can feel at the moment. Am I proud of the writing? Eh. Am I glad that I took the time to do […]

Reload – Red Sky at Night

Redsky wanted to roll his shoulder, but there was no shoulder to roll. The metal arm was gone and he only had the bone joint left. It was still a good joint, a good limb, but it didn’t have the same feel as the metal one. Too light, not enough feedback with the emotions it […]

12th Chamber – Red Sky at Morning

It was nice to be back on the ship. It was nice to have a finite amount of noise filtering through the metal walls. Rumble and crash and click and whine of cogs and gears and combustion letting them slip though the void. Gravity had no sway here. There was the pale imitation of it, […]