Lily of the Valley

Lily would like to go home. She really, really would. She has been away for a very long time, longer than she ever thought she would be. But home is a very odd place for a Blossom, a thing made to harness the elements of the world around them, often to destructive ends. She has followed leads, crossed paths with The Guild of Intrepid Spirits, The Order of the Blast Wave, other Blossoms, traversed the world several times over, always to come up empty and frustrated with the lack of results. She has been almost everywhere, but she would very much like to go home. That is all she ever wanted.

Others are off on their own journeys, some with great ends and great means, but most of small tasks designed to make ends meet. Guild members scour the world to find lost secrets and do the jobs most others won’t do. Order officers enforce order and peace as a constant revolt against the chaos of the universe. Pilgrims wander from settlement completing their holy work. People settle down and carve their lives in whatever niche best suits them.

The world will keep spinning, no matter what happens on its surface. Lily knows that. The people in the towns and cities know that. The pilgrims and the farmers and the officers and the guild member and even the other Blossoms know that. Lily will keep wandering until she finds home, no matter how long it takes.

Part 1 – Up the Garden Path

Part 2 – Salt of the Earth

Part 3 – Late Bloomer