Reach for the Sky

Space exists in chaos, the natural state of all things. As much as the core spills light and hope into the endless black abyss, that abyss is still greater. All manner of dreadful things lurk at the edges of the Coalition of Refraction. Pirates, outlaws, those that wish to spread the chaos of existence back to the light, if only for their own pleasure.

Each shard the Refraction fights back against the dark in their own way. But on the front lines, in the cracks that slip into the void, there are the Black Hats. They go into the cracks, the gaps, following those that slipped in their first, working where the law simply does not.

Harrier Redsky is a Black Hat. He goes into the alleys and the forgotten places, all the things that drip and fill and ooze out, and pulls them out to see the light of the Coalition. With his iron eye, and his iron hand, and his warm iron, he brings law and order to the gaps between the stars. And he is good at his job. But the jobs are not always good to him.

1st Chamber – Wheelhouse

2nd Chamber – Hard Rock

3rd Chamber – Spineless

4th Chamber – Greenback Jarhead

5th Chamber – Amphitheater

6th Chamber – Blacklist

7th Chamber – Hijacked

8th Chamber – Pink Slip

9th Chamber – Fixer Upper

10th Chamber – Piecemeal

11th Chamber – Slug

12th Chamber – Red Sky at Morning

Reload – Red Sky at Night