Reload – Red Sky at Night

Redsky wanted to roll his shoulder, but there was no shoulder to roll. The metal arm was gone and he only had the bone joint left. It was still a good joint, a good limb, but it didn’t have the same feel as the metal one. Too light, not enough feedback with the emotions it […]

12th Chamber – Red Sky at Morning

It was nice to be back on the ship. It was nice to have a finite amount of noise filtering through the metal walls. Rumble and crash and click and whine of cogs and gears and combustion letting them slip though the void. Gravity had no sway here. There was the pale imitation of it, […]

11th Chamber – Slug

Redsky rolled his shoulder. No click came afterwards. The joint was too slick, too refined, too well put together for anything to make such an unrefined noise as a click. A soft whir, though, as all the bits and pieces slotted together, that did come through the metal just fine. A ripple ran up the […]

10th Chamber – Piecemeal

They looked at him. They gazed at him. The tore him apart with their eyes, piece by piece, analyzing every single scrap of skin, strand of hair, thread of clothes and laid it bare before them. He met them all with a steel gaze that pierced right back. It gave him names and numbers, addresses […]

9th Chamber – Fixer Upper

The arm kept playing with itself. It tried not to. It wasn’t supposed to and the kept pulling it away, reminding it of the simple rule. But it couldn’t be helped. It kept shifting and clicking the plates together. Making them fidget and. The other hand didn’t help. It did the same, even though Redsky […]

8th Chamber – Pink Slip

“I’m not answering it this time,” said Beatrice, “It’s a bad habit to talk while operating a damn ship.” “And I don’t have the contacts in there,” said Redsky, “Just let it ring.” “Redsky, get off your ass and answer the damn call.” “You’re the one right by the console.” “And again, flying a ship.” […]

7th Chamber – Hijacked

Redsky’s feet left the riveted floor, dangling and flailing, heart pounding against his chest. High, too high and he did not prepare himself for lift off. And the thing doing the lifting wasn’t pleasant, sharp jabbing metal and odd corners cutting into the cloth. The arm didn’t seem to mind, though. The severe angels only […]

6th Chamber – Blacklist

“Its easy money, Harry,” said Avio, “Easy. Money. Almost as good as free money. But free money usually has a lot of problems with it. So easy money’s actually better than free money.” “And why should I trust you on this,” Redsky said, “Kind of let me out to dry to last time.” “That was […]

5th Chamber – Amphitheater

Redsky’s shawl billowed in the breeze, the shade from the umbrella working in his favor. Nice day, beautiful day. One for naps and long hours that drag and drag, but never quite last as long as desired. One for sweets and cool drinks sipped until tepid. He stared down at the ice cream in front […]

4th Chamber – Greenback Jarhead

“You are all worthless. Completely and utterly worthless. The blood you will spill on this mission will be worth more than you are now,” said the plume of smoke spilling from the mustached mouth. The crowd roared in response, armor clattering, chests thumping, every single ounce of adrenaline forced into every other ounce of being. […]